Thursday, April 20, 2006

I Have Decided...

to end this blog. It is too far from my expectation. I wouldn't blame it all on my lack of talent - I am also too busy to create anything worth reading, as least by myself. After all, I want to write something nice about the things I love - my family, my friends, economics, religion, politics ..., but it turns out I am posting links to other's stuff most of the time. Maybe I should just call it free advertisement? So I have decided to quit. Right now I just have to focus on my family and my job.

Before I go, some updates for my dear friends:
We haven't moved yet. If we did not put your state in our wish list, that's because your state is too cold, too city-ish or too expensive to buy a large land (we love country dwelling). :) But still, we love you all!



Anonymous said...


I am so sad to read this cz I enjoying reading your blog once a while, we are not very demanding and just updating your blog once every couple of weeks is enough :)

Better late than never...


Anonymous said...


Thanks for saying so. I will try my best.

Have a great trip back to China!
